Center for Adoption Policy
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July 2012

July 26, 2012. Chained orphans in China Shows What Institutional Care Can Mean. The Chinese newspaper China Daily reports that pictures of orphans chained in a government run welfare institute in Wenzhou (Cangnan county) have horrified readers across the country. As the newspaper further notes that "Experts said a lack of professional nursing staff was the main reason the children were chained and said such cases occurred at welfare institutes across China." Other child care professionals commented that the "tie-up" is widely accepted. This welfare institute housed 21 children who are now being moved elsewhere. Apparently there is no provision under Chinese law which would allow the Chinese government to bring charges of child abuse against orphanage employees. More Information.

July 25, 2012. Kyrgyzstan on Verge of Another International Adoption Moratorium. In 2009 Kyrgyzstan declared a moratorium on international adoption because of allegations of corruption. After two difficult years of negotiations with the United States Department of State, Kyrgyzstan's government reopened IA in a limited fashion. Some of the 65 U.S. families trapped in the shutdown had renewed hope they could bring their children home; for others this progress came too late - their children were already dead. Now the Kyrgyzstan IA program is imploding again. The Prosector General has demanded the revocation of the international adoption agencies' licenses and the Ministry of Social Development has been arrested for bribery and corruption and extortion in connection with the reopening of IA. As usual, it will be the children who will pay the biggest price. More Information.

July 12, 2012. Government and Other Notices: Russia and South Africa. USCIS and the Department of State have posted a FAQs sheet on the newly ratified bilateral international adoption agreement between the U.S. and Russia which members of the adoption community will find helpful. Concerning South Africa, DOS has announced that the South African Ministry of Social Development's Central Authority (SACA) has authorized two U.S. adoption service providers, Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children and Bethany Christian Services, to process Hague adoptions from South Africa to the United States. For more information on developments concerning both countries' international adoption programs, see

July 11, 2012. Russian Parliament Ratifies U.S. Russian Bilateral International Adoption Agreement. We are pleased to report that the Russian Duma [Parliament] has ratified the agreement between the United States and Russia governing international adoption, allowing this path breaking document to go into effect. The bilateral agreement, which was signed by both countries one year ago, does not need to be ratified by the U.S. Senate. This agreement provides protection for children adopted by U.S. citizens from Russia internationally and sets standards for non-Hague adoptions which we believe are as beneficial for children as those contained in the Hague Convention. We congratulate all those in the U.S. and Russian governments who worked so hard to make this day a reality. More Information.

Center for Adoption Policy (CAP)
168A Kirby Lane
Rye, New York 10580
(914) 925-0141